The latest technological innovation comes in the form of a sensor that intimately connects with your body's needs, signalling your smartphone app when it's time to urinate.

Crafted by experts at Northwestern University, this groundbreaking device is designed specifically for those experiencing bladder issues, enhancing their quality of life.

The marvel of modern science, this stretchy and wireless sensor meticulously monitors the bladder's natural rhythms of expansion and contraction, ensuring timely alerts.

Through its advanced capabilities, the sensor maintains a discreet and constant communication line with the patient's smartphone app, facilitating an informed and proactive approach to bathroom visits.

This device stands as a testament to the innovative strides being made in the realm of medical technology, promising a future where personalized healthcare is not just a concept but a reality.

By integrating seamlessly with everyday technology like smartphones, this implantable sensor ushers in a new era of convenience and autonomy for individuals dealing with bladder challenges.

Emphasizing the potential of this device, it heralds an era where real-time health monitoring from within the comfort of one's home becomes commonplace, as announced on Popular Science.